Chapter 08 – Page 25
Oh Eleanor…
Hey everyone! We’re taking a short break next week so we can get a little further ahead! We’ll only pause for one week, and keep an eye on our social media (Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, and Twitter!) for a whole bunch of extra sketches and artwork!
We need to love Odiele, she is so cute!! 😀
Ah, everyone’s favorite kind of person
This was a very fun page 😀
The Prince! The Prince arrived‼ All Hail to The Prince!!!
Nevermind that it’s /that/ “other” prince… ¬_¬
Haha, Eleanor getting all flustered by Odiele questions, the girl probably not used to people who don’t gush over her ever word.
Is that Benno I spot in the background?
Benno livens up any party, even faux engagement ones 😛
Odiele must have her BS meter going off the scale by now, or will very soon.
Elenor has such amazing hair. I’m jealous!