Chapter 9 – Page 11
Hey everyone! I hope you’ve been enjoying the comic! I’ve been pretty busy, travelling all over the place the last little while, but I wanted to make sure to remind everyone that we will be at TCAF on May 12-13th! Please come by and say hi if you have a chance!
ALSO! We will be attending the VanCAF the following weekend May 19-20th! Stop by and say hi!
Oh my gosh so his brother was killed by rothbart and they had been friends at the same time our swan was cursed! So was it his brother or him who became known as the cruel battle hungry warlike prince? I hope that was not Odets but hey if you are raised to fight, winning wars and gaining territory is a common thing. That’s what propelled tome.
A decade, that most mean that at least part of him has excepted the situation
I love how Odet acts like saving him is hopeless and he’s just accepted this but out optimistic prince just said “really???” And you can see his mind is whirling with ideas, possibilities and hope! I hope he exuberantly grabs Odet pulling his wet body close to him in his arms and says “well let’s start afresh and see what we can find then! Let me help Odet. I want to save you!” Looking down into Odets big eyes earnestly. Then of course both of them becoming conscious of their body heat touching and the prince strong arms around them. If only Odet would just stare unblinking like a deer in headlights and say “you’re…so warm” not moving…probably then pulling away with a blush. With the prince grabbing his hand then to get his attention saying “I mean it Odet. Let me help. Maybe something’s been overlooked a pair of fresh eyes can uncover. Together maybe we can break this curse. It’s not to late. Let me do thus for you”, still holding Odets hand. They are so adorable!