We’ve got a few announcements! Let’s start with the most pressing info!

There’s less than 48 hours to go on the Volume 3 Kickstarter! This is the last chance to get any of the volumes of the comics without coming to find us at a convention so if you want a print copy of the book head over and pledge as soon as you can. An added bonus of getting the printed book is that it contains all of chapter 9, including pages that haven’t been published to the website yet so you can read ahead once the book is delivered.

We’ve broken $6000 (omg thank you all so much!) so we are also now within striking distance of our 7k stretch goal of a colouring book for all physical book backers so spread the word and share the link with anyone you know who may want the books as the final hours count down!

–> CLICK HERE to see the Kickstarter!

The Prince and the Swan Kickstarter

ADDITIONALLY! We will be at the Toronto Comic Arts Festival this weekend! and the Vancouver Comic Arts Festival on the 19th and 20th! Please be sure to stop by and say hi!

That’s all for now! See you all next week!