Ack! Where did the Queen come from?

Colours by Mimi LeBlanc

Web Goblin Update: Late warning but there won’t be a page this week. April warned her patrons about it and I missed the message and forgot to include it in the post.

“Hey everyone! I’m taking a catch up week [this] week to work on pages for The Prince and the Swan. It’s been a crazy time and I’ve done my best to keep up to date, but I’m afraid I’ve fallen a bit behind. So I’m going to take a couple of weeks off in the next month or so to get back on track, so no comic page [this] week, but look forward to more soon!

That doesn’t mean there will be no activity though! I’m looking for sketch requests with The Prince and the Swan characters! This is a chance to post suggestions and I’ll see how many I can get to as part of my warm ups in the next several weeks! SFW only – what do you have in mind? ;)” – April